Physical Education Department
Welcome to the Physical Education Home Page
We hope that you find the following information helpful. If you have any questions please feel free to contact any of us through the e-mail links found in our staff listing.
Department Chair: Matt Mowry
Administrator: Tommy Elmore
- Department Mission & Vision
- Department Curriculum
- Locker Room Rules & Responsibilities
- Course Syllabus
- Physical Fitness Testing
- Swim Test - Incoming 9th Graders
- Teacher Class Schedules
Department Mission & Vision
Physical Education offers students the opportunity to learn about Fitness, Health, Movement and Nutrition. The department's philosophy is to contribute to the development of the whole person through physical activity that integrates psycho-motor, cognitive and affective learning domains. Students will be exposed to a variety of activities that will enable them to gain knowledge of sports and skills. Through exercise, the student will develop strength and muscular endurance, increase cardiovascular endurance and improve flexibility. Through this process the student will learn to value what physical fitness can do for them in their lives and continue to pursue lifelong fitness and health as adults.
- Exercise should be regarded as tribute to the heart. ~Gene Tunney
- Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it. ~Plato
- Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person's physical, emotional, and mental states. ~Carol Welch
Department Curriculum
Locker Room Rules & Responsibilities
BCCHS provides each student with a locker for PE class use only. It is not a locker to use for items during the regular school day. Students need to be aware of the importance of locking up all their valuable items in their locker during class time. The only secure area to leave things is YOUR locker. Do not leave valuables lying out. All cash, calculators, music players, cell phones etc… need to be locked up at all times. The PE Department does not allow such valuables to be brought to class. Protect the locker combination as well and do not share it with friends. For added security students may also attach a personal lock to their locker during class time. Any locks left on lockers outside of class time will be cut off. All locker problems should be reported to the PE staff immediately.
Remember- Having a locker is a privilege, not a necessity!
Please be aware that all lockers in PE/athletic related locker rooms will be cleared out on the last day of the Spring semester. Personal items and trash from each locker will be thrown away or donated. Please remember to clear out your PE/athletic locker before the last day of the Spring semester.
Course Syllabus
Dear Parents and Guardians:
The physical education department welcomes you and your child(ren) to Birmingham Community Charter High School (BCCHS). Please read the syllabus below and discuss with your child the importance of following the policies and regulations listed below. The state requirement calls for students to pass two years (4 semesters) of Physical education to graduate. Physical Fitness testing will also be taking place throughout the year for ALL ninth graders as well as others that have not passed.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to teach students the effective social and motor skills necessary to perform a variety of physical activities. Students will participate in physical activities that will enable them to become physically fit and maintain a physically active, healthy lifestyle. Students will learn the health-related benefits of regular physical activity and develop an understanding of how physical activities provide lifelong opportunities for enjoyment, challenge, self-confidence, and social interaction.
- Locker room doors and PE area gates close immediately following the tardy bell for each period. If students arrive to the PE area after the tardy bell, they will be considered a non-suit for the day, and be marked tardy
- Students must be appropriately dressed in BCCHS PE clothes, or plain gray shirt with plain blue shorts/sweats
- Students must wear athletic shoes and socks at all times.
- Students must be seated on their roll call numbers/ role call area before their teacher arrives to class.
- Students must actively participate in all class activities including warm-up, cardiovascular fitness, skills, games, and fitness testing.
- Students must listen while instructions are being given and follow rules from ALL teachers.
- Students must use appropriate language.
- Students must stay with the class in the designated PE area and not leave without teacher permission and/or pass.
- Phones, Ipods, MP3 players, skateboards, instruments, hats, etc. are NOT PERMITTED during class-time OR in the locker rooms. Items will be confiscated and retained by an administrator.
- All students are given a locker inside the locker room to ensure the safety of their personal items and clothes while in class, however, it is a privilege to have a locker and is NOT required.
- The school and its personnel are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Lockers are ONLY to be used during your child’s PE class period (not to store books or bags, except during PE)
- Students are not to share their lockers or give their combinations out to others. Sharing of lockers can result in the loss of the privilege.
Students will be given participation points as well as Work Habit and Citizenship grades.
Loss of points can occur for the below reasons:
Non-participation in assigned class activities |
Non-suit |
Tardiness |
Absences |
Work Habit/Citizenship grades can be affected for the below reasons:
Poor attitude |
Lack of team work |
Lack of respect of others |
Class disruptions |
Inappropiate language |
GRADING SCALE: Academic letter grades are assigned as follows:
A 100%-90% D 69%-60%
B 89%-80% F 59% and below
C 79%-70%
NONSUITS: A non-suit is characterized as not being appropriately dressed for PE. Students must have Birmingham HS PE clothes (or a plain gray shirt and plain blue shorts or sweatpants), athletic shoes, and NO jewelry. Shoes must have laces or velcro (no sandals, UGGS, open toed shoes, slip on shoes (i.e.Crocs)).
EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITIES: Students can makeup loss of points. Please see your teacher for their specific extra credit opportunities.
Physical Fitness Testing
Our students in grade 9 will participate in the California Physical Fitness Test (PFT). The FITNESSGRAM® is the required annual PFT for students in grades five, seven, and nine in California public schools. Students who have not yet passed will also take the test.
The FITNESSGRAM® includes tests for key areas of fitness, including aerobic capacity, body composition, abdominal strength and endurance, trunk extensor strength and flexibility, upper body strength and endurance, and flexibility. There are two or three test options for most of the fitness areas of the FITNESSGRAM® so that all students, including those with special needs, have the maximum opportunity to participate in the PFT. For those fitness areas that have multiple options, only one option is reported for each student.
Our students will receive their results upon completion of the PFT. These results will help students understand their individual levels of fitness. Students are encouraged to talk about these results with their parents or guardians and their physical education teacher. Parents and guardians can use these results to help their children plan appropriate fitness activities. Students can only fail 1 component of the test in order to have an overall passing grade on the PFT.
We have included some tools below to help you further understand the test requirements:
Fitnessgram scoresheet- we utilize these sheets to keep track of each students results and for them to know/review their results in order to for them to know what component(s) they need to improve upon.
PFTV02 Calculator- we utilize this spreadsheet to import student data in order to easily conclude wether the student has passed or failed the Fitnessgram.
Test charts- provides passing skill results for each part of the test (except the PACER run) based on age and gender.
Pacer- provides passing results for the PACER run test based on age and gender.
BMI table- the table provides each students body mass index based and healthy fit zone based on their height and weight. The BMI is used in conjunction with their aerobic time to determine their passing level for the aerobic capacity component of the PFT.
Aerobic Capacity Females/Males- the tables provide the passing target times for the aerobic components (mile run and pacer) of the test based on gender, age, and BMI.
PFT Reference Guide: This guide includes detailed descriptions of the fitness areas, the data collection requirements, most of the equations used in scoring, the performance standards, and suggestions for facilitating the administration of the different test options.
Example Videos: Link to YouTube suite of Fitnessgram related videos that provides demonstrations of test administration. View them here.
Swim Test - Incoming 9th Graders
At the start of each school year, the physical education department administers the swim test to incoming Freshman. The test consists of the student: swimming the width of the pool, while not touching the bottom of the pool in the shallow end, while utilizing a freestyle stroke, on the surface of the pool. If at any time, they touch the bottom of the pool, this automatically results in failure of the test. Based on the result of this test, students may be placed in swim class for the Fall or Spring semester in order for them to learn water safety skills.
For over 20 years, Birmingham's physical education department has given our students the opportunity to learn to be water safe and to do a basic life skill called swimming. We are one of very few schools who have a pool on campus, several certified swim teachers and life guards. Our physical education students have access to our swimming pool. Thousands have learned to swim in our aquatics program.
For children and adolescents, drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional injury deaths. Every year in the United States, approximately 3,700 people die from drowning. Living with water in Southern California is a common experience, whether it be a swimming pool, lake or the ocean. The teachers in our department use techniques to address fear and anxiousness in the context of their swim lessons. They teach pool safety, because a non-swimmer will need extra precautions, for the rest of their lives, when they spend time near water. We believe that being water safe is a life skill about being safe in and around water. Most important, our physical education department feels every child should know how to swim. They don't have to be fantastic at it, but they should be comfortable enough to get themselves out of trouble.
The physical education department is proud of our aquatics program. We thank our school for the support we have received over the years in which we are certain has resulted in lives being saved as a result of what we do!
Teacher Class Schedules
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
Bennett-Riley |
Main Gym / PE Blacktop |
Main Gym/ PE Blacktop |
Main Gym |
Main Gym/ PE Blacktop |
Main Gym/ PE Blacktop |
Main Gym/ PE Blacktop |
Main Gym | |
Carballo |
Main Gym / PE Blacktop |
Main Gym / PE Blacktop |
Main Gym |
Main Gym / PE Blacktop |
Main Gym / PE Blacktop |
Main Gym | |
Kezman | Pool | Pool | Pool | Pool | Pool | Pool | ||
Koop |
Main Gym/ PE Blacktop |
Main Gym / PE Blacktop |
Main Gym/ PE Blacktop |
Small Gym |
Main Gym/ PE Blacktop |
Small Gym | |
Mathis | Main / Small Gym | Main / Small Gym | PE/Soccer Field |
Main Gym/ PE Blacktop |
Pool | PE/Soccer Field | ||
Mowry |
Main Gym / PE Blacktop |
Main Gym/ PE Blacktop |
Baseball Field |
Main Gym/ PE Blacktop |
Main Gym/
Baseball Field | |
Rose | Stadium |
Main Gym/ PE Blacktop |
Softball Field | Stadium |
Main Gym/ PE Blacktop |
Softball Field |