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Dreamer / Undocumented Students

Welcome Dreamers! The College/Career Center is here to help you plan your future and walk you through the steps to get you where you want to go. Please visit our office located in the Blue & Gold Center and check out the College and Career Center web pages. We are here to help you every day, 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.


Applying to college can be both an exciting and overwhelming process. We at the College Center understand this and want to encourage all students to explore all of their options regarding a postsecondary education, whether it's a Certificate program, a two-year or four-year institution. We also want to highlight that many campuses such as the California Community Colleges, Cal States (CSUs) and the University of California (UCs) are supportive of all students, including Dreamers (undocumented) students. Please visit the links below for further information regarding student support programs, financial aid, and resources.

California Community Colleges (CCC)

California State University


University of California


  • "The California Community Colleges are open to all students who meet the minimum requirements for admission, regardless of immigration status."
  • "The Chancellor's Office will not release any personal identifiable student information, including any data related to immigration status, without a judicial warrant, subpoena or court order, unless authorized by the student or required by law. "
  • "The Chancellor's Office will not cooperate with any federal effort to create a registry of individuals based on any protected characteristics, such as religion, national origin, race, or sexual orientation. "
  • "The Chancellor's Office will continue to advocate for educational opportunities for all students in the community college system, regardless of immigration status, at the state and federal level. "

Please click here for the full message.

Please click here for additional resources.

"As a leader in higher education, the 23-campus California State University is committed to ensuring academic opportunities are available to all the state's students, regardless of citizenship status. "


Please click here for CSU Chancellor's message.


Please click here for additional resources.







"Undocumented students of all ethnicities and nationalities can find a safe environment and supportive community at the University of California...UC campuses offer a range of support services - from academic and personal counseling to financial aid and legal advising - that can help you balance being a full-time student while handling other day-to-day challenges you may face." 


Please click here for the UC Statement of Principles in Support of Undocumented Members.


Please click here for additional resources. 




All undocumented California students who are eligible under AB540/AB 2000, DACA, have a U-Visa and/or have Temporary Protected Status (TPS) should file the Dream Act Application. The Dream Act Application allows students to receive private scholarships funded through public universities, state-administered financial aid, university grants, community college waivers, and Cal Grants.  

Please click here to access the Dream Act Application 

Please click here for the 2018-19 Dream Act Checklist

Please click here for Dream Act FAQs

Application Deadline: March 2nd.

Not sure if you should fill out a Dream Act Application? Please click here to find out! 

How To Apply Resources
  • Please click here for instructions
  • Please click here for instructions (video edition)
  • Please click here for instructions (roadmap edition)

Please see the links below for additional scholarship resources for DACA/undocumented students.

These are great scholarship resources for students who are Dreamers/undocumented:

  • DREAMer's RoadMap - Mobile app available for Apple and Android
  • DACA Scholars - Mobile app available for Apple and Android