Concurrent Enrollment Activities
Benefits of Concurrent Enrollment
BCCHS has established a partnership with local community colleges to offer SAS students an accelerated and rigorous experience through college courses.
- Students will be able to take college courses on the BCCHS campus.
- Students will be able to graduate high school with college units completed.
- Students will be more competitive when submitting transcripts to the top universities.
- College courses are free while in high school, saving yourself thousands of dollars in tuition.
- Students will be able to familiarize themselves with a college experience while in high school.
- Students will experience a rigorous program with the support of a caring staff.
Class Descriptions
African American Studies 20: African American Literature I (UC/CSU)
3 Units Meets IGETC 3B
This course provides an analysis of the literary, social, and historical aspects of the essays, novels, drama, short stories, and poetry written by African Americans. It examines and reflects upon American society through the literature that African Americans produce, especially as it pertains to their representation of themselves both intellectually and artistically.
Anthropology 101: Human Biological Evolution (UC/CSU)
3 Units Meets IGETC 5B
Explores the field of physical anthology emphasizing the evolution of human species.
Anthropology 111: Laboratory in Human Biological Evolution (UC/CSU)
1 Unit Meets IGETC 5C
This course will enable students to apply key concepts and techniques in physical anthropology. Through the understanding and use of scientific methodology, students will experience how to solve problems related to genetics, human variation, the living primates, and human paleontology.
Art 101: Survey of Art History 1 (UC/CSU)
3 Units Meets IGETC 3A
An introductory survey of the arts of the Western World from the Prehistoric through the
Middle Ages.
Cinema 107: Understanding Motion Pictures (UC/CSU)
3 Units Meets IGETC 3A
This course provides students with an analytical critical survey of motion pictures as an art
form and communication medium via screenings, lectures, readings about classic and
contemporary films, American and foreign, theatrical and non-theatrical.
Communication Studies 101: Public Speaking (UC/CSU)
3 Units Meets IGETC 1C
Students study the theory and techniques of public speaking in a democratic society.
Students will apply rhetorical principles to topic selection and audience analysis, research
and reasoning of information, speech composition and outlining.
Counseling 1: Introduction to College (CSU) 1 Unit
This course is offered on a Pass/No Pass basis only
Provides students with important information about the college and its resources,
introduces them to the requisite skills for college success, helps them set educational and
career goals, and assists them in developing a student educational plan (SEP) to meet those
English 101: College Reading and Composition (UC/CSU)
3 Units Meets IGETC 1A CSU A2
This is a college-level freshman composition course, which focuses on expository writing
and argumentation and requires the writing of a minimum of 6000 word essays and a
research paper. Students study a variety of texts written at the college level, including
literature, that reflect current academic concerns relating to issues of language, ethnicity,
class, gender, identity, psychology, and cultural studies. The course is intended for students
who plan to transfer to a four-year college university.
English 102: College Reading and Composition II (UC/CSU)
3 Units Meets IGETC 1B 3B CSU A3
Prerequisite: English 101 with a grade of C or better.
This course develops reading, writing and critical thinking skills beyond the level achieved
in English 101 and requires the writing of a minimum of 10,000 words in essays and a
research paper throughout the semester. It emphasizes logical reasoning, analysis, and
strategies of argumentation using literature and literary criticism.
Geology 1: Physical Geology (UC/CSU)
3 Units Meets IGETC 5A CSU B1
Physical geology
History 12: Political and Social History Of The United States II (UC/CSU)
3 Units Meets IGETC 4F CSU D6 D8
Political and social history of the United States II
Political Science 1: The Government Of The United States (UC/CSU)
3 Units Meets IGETC 4H CSU D8
The Government of the United States
Sociology 1: Introduction to Sociology (UC/CSU)
3 Units Meets IGETC 4J CSU D0
Introduction to Sociology
Statistics 101: Statistics for The Social Sciences (UC/CSU) 4 Units Meets IGETC 2A
This course focuses on data collection, hypothesis testing and predictive techniques to
facilitate decision-making. Topics include descriptive statistics; probability and sampling
distributions; statistical inference; correlation and linear regression; analysis of variance,
chi-square and t-tests; and application of technology for statistical analysis including the
interpretation of the relevance of the statistical findings. Applications using data from
disciplines including business, social sciences, psychology, life science, health science, and
*The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) is an educational plan for California community college students designed to facilitate transferring to a four-year public university. Public universities include all UC and CSU schools.
All college classes offered through SAS are taught by LAVC (Los Angeles Valley College) professors on our Birmingham campus. College class schedules are modified based on the semester they are offered and are subject to change based on professor availability.