Service Delivery Inclusion Model
Committed and dedicated to the success of all students
Birmingham Community Charter High School's Special Programs Department operates using the Learning Center/Collaboration/Inclusion Model and provides students, who receive special education services, a Free And Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), in accordance with each student's Individualized Education Plan or Program (IEP).
BCCHS students are provided with a positive and supportive educational environment and have access to curriculum and instructional practices through a continuum of services which include, but are not limited to, the following programs:
BCCHS Special Education Service Delivery Inclusion Model:
All students with unique needs working on a high school diploma will be included in the General Education Program with options for core classes in the following service delivery models:
Consultation or DIS only: student does not receive direct academic support, primarily accommodations and maybe a service, such as Speech and Language
Study Skills or Academic Lab class only: student receives support in a class with all students with unique needs and an Education specialist teacher to work on specific skillsets to promote academic success (i.e. work habit strategies, math intervention, reading intervention, etc.). In the Study Skills class there is also time set aside to support students with work completion for other classes.
Push-In Support: General Education teacher is assigned a paraprofessional or Education Specialist to support students in class
Co-Teaching Non-Intensive: 1 General Education teacher and 1 Education Specialist teacher co-planning, co-assessing, and co-teaching with class size capped at 30-35 and no more than 10 students with unique needs in one class.
Co-Teaching Intensive: 1 General Education teacher and 1 Education Specialist teacher co-planning, co-assessing, and co-teaching with paraprofessional support and smaller class size (capped at 25 students with a cap of 10 students with unique needs.
Special Day Class Program solely for students working on a certificate completion on alternative curriculum with a focus on functional academics, transition services, and vocational education (i.e. Community Based Instruction Program). Students in these programs experience inclusive opportunities through electives, academy periods, work experience, and community-based outings.
Community-Based Instruction (CBI): Students enrolled in the CBI program work on acquiring and building independence and autonomy skills in order to become successful in living, working, and shopping in their community. Instructional priorities are based on learning skills that are age-appropriate and referenced to the performance demands of real-world environments. Students receive functional, hands-on instruction in meaningful life skills, as well as opportunities to interact and establish relationships with members of the general community. Instruction is driven by individual strengths and needs, as well as accommodations designed to enhance student participation in typical activities.
BCCHS Special Education Professionals are committed to creating the right environment for individual learning and dedicated to the success of ALL students.