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Wellness Committee

Wellness Committee - Annual Assessment and Update:

Our school Wellness Policy is assessed and updated annually. If you want to be more actively involved in this process, you are encouraged to participate in Birmingham's Wellness Committee meetings, which will be conducted virtually using ZOOM. The ZOOM link will be sent out a week before the meetings via Parent Square.

Our Wellness Policy

Birmingham recognizes the significant relationship between student health and academic achievement. BCCHS is committed to the overall wellness of our students and our community. It is our goal to promote student health, prevent childhood obesity, and combat problems associated with poor nutrition and physical inactivity. BCCHS has developed a Wellness Policy that is focused on improving the health of students. The policy was developed by the Wellness Committee which includes representatives of all stakeholder groups.

Annual School Health Index Report for 2020-21

For the school year 2020-21, Birmingham scored an 81.25% on the SHI.  This is a significant increase from the score of 59.26% for the 2019-2021 school year. Areas of strength include Health Education, School Health Services, Social and Emotional climate, Community Involvement, and School Health and Environment. Based on the results SHI Report and identified opportunities for growth, the Wellness Committee identified five priorities to help improve our score in the categories of School Health and Environment, Physical Education and Physical Activity, Nutrition Environment, Family Involvement, and Staff Wellness. See below to access the SHI Report.

California Healthy Kids Survey

Annually, Birmingham administers the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) to students. CHKS is a comprehensive data system to assess the needs of the whole child and guide efforts by schools, communities, and families to ensure all youth thrive. It is the largest statewide student survey of resiliency, protective factors, risk behaviors, and school climate in the nation. For link to most recent survey results: Click here.

Triennial Assessment of Wellness Policy

The Triennial Assessment of Birmingham’s Wellness Policy has been completed. A slide presentation which documents and explains the assessment process and summarizes the results has been shared with community stakeholder groups. The presentation highlights Birmingham’s strengths and opportunities for growth. Using the School Health Index and WellSAT 3.0 assessment tools to evaluate our program, we have confirmed that BCCHS has achieved significant program growth in the last three years. The results call attention to BCCHS’ nutrition program, which operates at the highest levels of USDA and CDE compliance. Also, Birmingham has made great gains in implementing wellness initiatives including an emphasis on social-emotional learning and mental health supports. The slide presentation concludes with the Wellness Annual Action Plan which was approved by the school governing board on May 25, 2021.

Birmingham continues to focus on increasing the participation of students and families in shared decision-making. Currently, the school is seeking interested students, families, and staff who would like to join the Wellness Committee for the 2021-2022 school year. Please contact Wendy Bader, Coordinator, to indicate your interest and ask any questions relating to Birmingham’s Wellness Policy.

Announcements & Updates

Join Our Committee:

If you are interested in being a parent/community or student* representative in this committee or have any questions, please contact: Ms. Wendy Bader, State and Federal Programs Coordinator  at 818-758-5265 or

Para obtener mas informacion, comuniquese con la Sra. Margarita Ponce al 818-758-5281 o