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Why Birmingham

In an era when the internal and external evaluation of public schools often focuses on student test scores at the expense of a well-rounded student experience, Birmingham remains steadfast in supporting students to build a 9-12 ladder to college and career readiness that also emphasizes unique and memorable extra-curricular experiences. By expanding our focus beyond what students learn in the classroom, Birmingham students acquire interpersonal and social emotional skills that builds their confidence to excel inside and outside traditional academic spaces.

We know that every Birmingham student has incredible potential to impact the world, so we are determined to help them become the best version of themselves and to identify and build upon their strengths. Keeping this in mind, we have developed several support systems to assist students on their journey to graduation. 

Student to Counselor Ratio 

Each academic counselor has between 240-270 students they support.

  • This number, which is less than half the average of most high schools, allows counselors to function as modified case carriers providing much more time and individual attention to each student than would be expected at other high schools of comparable size to Birmingham.

Grade Level Support Staff 

Each grade level includes a full-time coordinator to monitor student academic progress and a psychiatric social worker to monitor student mental health. 


Instructional Technology 

Each student is provided with a Chromebook to use duing their time at Birmingham.    Classrooms are equipped with current educational technology and teachers work with students to ensure they have the skills they will need after graduation.   The IT department and Instructional Technology Coordinator collaborate to provide additional opportunities for students to become tech proficient.  


Activities Director 

This position is committed to creating fun, inclusive opportunities, and activities. In partnership with Grade Level Council Advisors and Club Sponsors, the Activities Director works to enhance the school culture and increase a sense of student belonging with an emphasis on outreach to underserved student groups that historically tend not to get involved in athletics or extra-curricular activities.


Acceleration, Creativity, and Engagement 

Accelerated Pathways

  • The School for Accelerated Studies is an accelerated program designed for highly motivated students that provides enrichment and ongoing support. SAS offers rigorous academic coursework preparing students to submit competitive transcripts to the most prestigious universities, while completing at least a year of college course work during high school.

Robust Performing Arts Program

  • The Arts Program is comprised of a four-pillar foundation: Theater, Music, Visual Arts, and Dance.
  •  Most courses are articulated with community college courses and provide students a creative outlet and exposure to industry professionals in their field of interest through internships, competitions, festivals, and field trips.

Parent and Student Engagement

  • Participation with instead of talking at is our goal for engagement with students and families.
  • Groups like the Parent and Family Engagement Team and the Men’s Club (struggling male students) participate in small action research projects with key faculty to address areas that stakeholders have identified for needed improvement.


Multiple grab & go cafeteria stations are located on campus to provde all students the opportunity to pick up lunch during the alloted time.    

The cafeteria staff seeks out feedback from the student body so that they can provide food that meets the taste preferences and dietary restrictions of the students.