Starting a club? Here is the infomation you need to know.
When you start a club:
- Club Constitution turned into ASB (asap)
- Club Budget turned into ASB (asap)
FOR PURCHASING (start 4-6 weeks prior to date needed):
- Have a club meeting, record minutes
- Submit Purchase Order form ($500+) or Purchase/Check Request to ASB with minutes
- When approved, purchase/order items
- Submit Check request with copy of approved preapproval form and original receipt
FOR FUNDRAISERS (start 4-6 weeks prior to date needed):
- Have a club meeting, record minutes
- Submit Details of Fundraiser for Approval and Revenue Projection form to ASB with minutes
- When approved, hold fundraiser
- Fill out a Calendar Request Form and submit to the main office
- Afterwards fill out revenue section of revenue form and submit to the Student Store
- Submit Details of Fundraiser for Approval form and send to ASB for approval
- Fill out a Calendar Request Form and submit to the main office
* All expenditures must be approved by ASB prior to placing or receiving an order
*If you have any questions regarding purchasing, please contact