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Summer Meals

No -cost summer meals


Summer Nutrition Programs Mean More Summer Eats – And Smiles!

Nearly 30 million children participate in USDA’s school breakfast and lunch programs on an average school day.    When school is out for the summer, kids lose access to these healthy meals, but they still need nutritious food to grow healthy and strong.

This year, California, will offer new summer nutrition options to help our children reach their full potential.

With SUN Meals, kids 18 and under can get free meals and snacks at schools, parks, and other group meal locations. In some rural areas, SUN Meals To-Go can be picked up or delivered. And the new SUN Bucks helps families stretch grocery budgets with a $120 grocery benefit for each eligible school-aged child, so you can buy more of the foods your children love!

Find out what’s available to your family HERE