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9th Grade Academy

The 9th Grade Academy seeks to create a warm and welcoming environment for our newest Birmingham students, their families, and their teachers.  We participate in weekly community-building activities within our Academy Period classes, and we hold a multitude of events throughout the school year to allow students to engage in a social setting. Our team of highly qualified staff members --  teachers, counselors, psychiatric social worker, dean, grade level coordinator, and administrator -- work together to support our students both academically and emotionally.  

Our Student Senate will begin meeting in room F34 every Thursday at lunch, starting this week!  All 9th grade students are invited to join us as we brainstorm and plan more exciting events for the school year.

9th Grade in Action

Club Rush
Freshman Orientation
Activities on the Quad
9th grade field trip to UCLA
9th grade field trip to UCLA
9th grade field trip to UCLA
9th grade field trip to UCSBĀ 
9th grade field trip to UCSBĀ